You have been swimming, biking and running for a while now. But are you really a “triathlete?” Here are 10 traits that will separate you from the enthusiasts versus the obsessed triathlete:

1) You can change quickly, very quickly.
Whether it is in a shopping changing room or changing to go out, you often amaze your friends with your ability to transition from one outfit to the next.
2) The idea of running without socks does not scare you.
Those who only run may look horrified at the idea of running without socks. Triathletes know how hard socks are to pull on wet feet.
3) You have seen something at the bottom of a lake that you would rather forget about.
4) When people ask whether you prefer exercising in the morning or the evening, your response is: “both.”
5) You have gone out in public with a number written down your arm or leg.
Permanent marker is the devil to get off. You don’t really mind your temporary tattoo though.
6) You are willing to argue that it is not breakfast that is the most important meal of the day, but rather second breakfast (which occurs after your morning workout). First breakfast is usually only a banana or some easily digestible snack. Second breakfast though – yum.
7) You’re not afraid of commitment.
Triathlon is a sport that is unforgiving if you’re not willing to put in the training.
8) You have experienced not only ‘runner’s high,’ but also “cyclists high’ and ‘swimmer’s high’. You appreciate endorphins in all their shapes and sizes.
9) Your workout wardrobe is more extensive than your ‘normal’ one.
10) You’re always up for a challenge.
After crossing the finish line, your next thought is: “okay, what’s next?”
Sisu Racing Triathlon Coach