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Coach Grainge

Bite Size - Quirks of a Triathlete

1. The only shoelaces you know of are elasticated.

2. Running trainers are suitable for every occasion. You have nightmares about leather shoes.

3. Holiday = training camp.

4. The pool is always the first thing you check before booking a hotel.

5. You go to the buffet cart 5+ times

6. A belt is for your race number, not holding your trousers up.

7. Knowing your heart rate is more important than the time of day.

8. Your drinks bottle never leaves your side.

9. Whenever you travel, your running shoes always go with you.

10. An energy/protein bar is an everyday snack.

11. You’ve already been up for three hours and burnt 1000 calories before arriving at work.

12. Once in the office, work = recovery time.

13. Your car is an extension of your wardrobe.

14. Buying everyday clothing is a luxury, buying new triathlon kit is essential.

15. The only shower you use is at the gym.

16. You only use a dry towel on the Monday of each week.

17. When someone mentions wearing a ‘suit’ you automatically think wetsuit.

18. You’d rather check someone’s race results than their Linkedin or Facebook profile.

19. Getting changed in a busy public space is not an issue.

20. You spend more on race entry fees than you do household bills.

21. You know every side ride in your area, as well as the gradient and current KOM.

22. You watch more TV on your trainer than you do the sofa.

23. If you’re not moving, you’re stretching.

24. Lubricant and talcum powder are race day essentials.

25. Sunglasses are a permanent piece of apparel – whether over your eyes or on your head.

26. Lycra in public is not an issue, in fact, you quite like it.

27. You can’t remember the last day that your body didn’t ache.

28. 90% of your t-shirts have more logos on than a Formula 1 car.

29. Your bike matches your family (team) car.

30. You wash your wetsuit before yourself after a swim.

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