This workout is great for triathletes who don’t belong to a gym or who might be traveling and not have access to their regular gym equipment.

Workout notes:
First, complete the warm-up sequence. Then move to the circuit exercises.
For the circuit portions, complete each exercise continuously for 50 seconds, then take no more than 10 seconds to switch to the next exercise. If done continuously, this will be a very challenging workout that will also give you a bit of a cardio burn as well.
After you have done each exercise once, you will have completed one round. Complete a total of three rounds, with a one-minute rest between each round.
Repeat this light cardio warm-up twice before beginning the main circuit.
1. March in place for 60 seconds
2. Run in place for 60 seconds
• 20 seconds high knees (quickly tucking your knees as close to your chest as possible) • 20 seconds with legs wide (slightly wider than shoulder distance apart) • 20 seconds butt kicks (as if you are trying to kick your butt with your heels)
3. Side jacks for 30 seconds Start standing with your feet shoulder-distance apart. Step quickly to the right and do a partial squat. As you squat, raise your arms above your head. Return to the start position and repeat with the left leg. Repeat for the time duration.
4. Lunge with alternate arm raises for 30 seconds As you lunge forward with the right leg, raise your left arm. If you cannot keep your balance with your arm raised, then simply do alternate lunges.
The Circuit (50 seconds per exercise)
Single-leg squat
How to: Begin in a standing position on the left leg. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can. Push back up to return to the start position. Switch legs halfway.
Box incline pushup
How to: These can be done with your knees on the ground if you cannot do them with your legs at full extension. It is more important to have perfect form than it is to have your legs extended. Put your hands on a box and the feet on the ground. Slowly lower the chest until it is even with the hands. Push back up to return to start position.
Basic crunches
How to: The title might say basic, but when these are done correctly, they will pump your abs up! Keep your back flat and try to prevent it arching as much as possible.
Backward lunge
How to: Begin with feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your waist. Step the left foot backwards until the knee makes contact with the ground. Return to the start position by pushing off your left foot and returning to the start position. Switch legs halfway.
Alternate Superman
How to: Lie flat on your stomach, with your arms stretched over your head and your palms facing down. Lift your left arm and your right leg, hold briefly. Switch sides. Repeat.
Box dips
How to: Begin in a sitting position with the hands facing forward on the box and feet on the ground. Slowly lower your body until the arms are at 90 degrees and then return to start.
Single-leg bridge
How to: Lying on the ground with knees bent, take one leg and cross it over the other. Keep shoulders on the ground as you raise your hips up to the ceiling and slowly lower down. Switch legs halfway.
How to: Start by lying face down, with your forearms on the ground, palms facing flat on the ground. Come up on to your toes and forearms. Make sure your back stays flat with no arch or pike. Keep your abdominals tight. Hold the whole time.
Squat thrusts
How to: Begin with feet shoulder-width apart in a standing position. Descend into a squat position and kick the legs back and bring your hands forward to create a pushup position.
Once the legs come into contact with the ground, pull them back under the body and return to the standing position. To increase the difficulty, you can add a hop when you come up to standing position, and/or a pushup when you are in the high plank position.
Bicycle crunches
How to: Lie on your back as if you are going to do a basic crunch. Raise your legs so they are at a 90-degree angle, with your shins parallel to the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head, not pulling on your neck.
Extend your left leg straight and bring your right knee into your chest while bringing your left elbow over to your knee. (They likely will not touch, and that’s not necessarily the goal.) Think about twisting to bring your chest to the knee, rather than your arm to avoid pulling on your neck. Alternate sides continuously for the whole segment.